Saturday, June 16, 2012

so ive started fiberglassing and the helmet about fell apart. ive stop to assess the damage have to find my camera

Thursday, June 14, 2012


Working 3rd shift can take its toll. I havent had a chance to work on this for a couple of days, but i will get the helmet done this weekend. maybe even start fiber glassing it.

so far i have the helmet  about 80% done and the rifle 15% done.  My buddy is helpping my so when we arnt working our selfs to death we try to work on it in our free time

Monday, June 4, 2012

Day 3 of Build

As i checked the helmet, I realized i still need to let it dry so i will start working on the rifle.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Day 2 of build (supplemental)

AHHHH!!!!!!  ITS EVERYWHERE. i super-glued my hand to the helmet, coffee table, and  anything thing else that was in reach. had to resist urge to hit my buddy( I wouldnt be able to remove my hand)

Day 2 of build

Soooo..... glue didnt work right .......need super glue.....